No-Spray School
What we mean by a 'No-Spray School' is that the school does not use any chemicals harmful to wildlife on the school grounds. These can come under lots of different names such as sprays, slug pellets, weed killers, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides or fungicides.
Whatever name you put on them, quite simply they are wildlife poisons and disastrous for your local biodiversity such as bees. They really don't have any place whatsoever in our gardens and especially in our schools. Try organic or manual alternatives. The bigger issue you might need to address is to challenge out-dated and misinformed opinions and ask the simple question - why are they being used? Is it a weed or just a wildflower? Why is spraying the default position? If you have decided to become a "No-Spray School" why not download our free poster for your noticeboard to spread the good news! #NoSpraySchool Why not let us know where you are so we can keep track progress :)